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5 Effective DIY Rat Control Methods

Serving Families Throughout Orange

Do you happen to share your beautiful home with small, furry, long-tailed rodents? If you do, it is crucial to act quickly and take the necessary rodent control steps. Rats reproduce fast, so you need to immediately stop the infestation in order to protect your home and your health.

Before you start

Speaking of rats as rodents, have in mind that they are very adaptable. So, it can be challenging to control and eliminate them from your home. They carry various diseases which may be harmful to people and can cause some serious damage to your house. However, they are often mistaken for mice. In order to undertake the right steps for successful rat control, the first thing you should do is make sure you are dealing with rats, not mice.

Rats are much bigger than mice. Mice weigh 30-50 grams, and have four-inch long bodies (not counting the tail). Rats are much bigger and heavier. Their average weight is approximately 400 grams for females and above 600 grams for adult males. They have ten-inch long bodies and a tail. Besides their morphological differences, rats and mice also have some genetic and anatomical differences.

Signs which call for rat control

Since rats belong to the rodent family, they must gnaw all the time. They usually gnaw electrical cables, so when you notice cables being ripped, it’s a clear sign that you have these furry visitors in your home.

That’s not all, there are other, even more accurate signs that call for immediate rat control action.

Rats leave marks. When they move around, they tend to take the same route which is usually along walls or cabins. Their bodies are covered with dirt so they often leave dark dirt marks as they move. This may be the key point that will help you identify the kind of rodents you have to deal with.

Rats also leave tail marks along their running tracks, especially in house basements or other similar not-so-clear areas. A good way to determine a possible rat infestation is by powdering some talc or flour on the floors along walls. The next day, you can check for rat marks and find out if you have to start your rat control strategy or not.

Rats always leave dark droppings behind them. They may produce about thirty droppings per day and usually leave them in the same location. These droppings look like large brown rice grains.

Due to the fact that some rats are very good climbers, they can easily approach the house roof and get under the floorboards. They make a grinding noise with their teeth, which is easy to hear at night. It is just another sign that you need to act fast.

Effective DIY rat control methods

When it comes to rats, a majority of people leave rodent control in the hands of professionals. However, there are some effective DIY rat control methods that you can try by yourself.

1. Mint, spearmint and peppermint

Rats are not very fond of mint and peppermint aromas. Having a mint plant close to your house is one of the best DIY methods you can use to make your property rat-free. The aroma simply drives away rats since they can’t stand the smell. Many house owners claim that having such herbs planted around their homes works. So, it’s great to have fresh mint for a nice cup of tea; Plus, it chases rats away from your property.

If you can’t grow mint in your garden, you can use the alternative – peppermint oil. This oil also repels rats successfully. You can buy peppermint oil and then pour a few drops on a cotton ball. Then, leave the cotton in the corners or other places where rats may appear, and that’s it!

2. The good old cat strategy

Cats are much more than just cute pets. They are also merciless rat hunters. They love the challenge of chasing down these rodents, without feeling threatened by their size. So, if you think you have a rat issue in your home, perhaps you should consider getting a cat.

There’s no need to look for a trained cat; Simply get any cat from the local shelter and it should do the job for you. Just be careful if you have a bird or a hamster in your home. If you get a cat which is a good hunter, at some point it will probably try to hunt down your other pets, too.

3. Liquid rat repellent

A liquid rat repellent is one of the most effective DIY rat control methods. This liquid is based on cat scent. Since rats dislike cats, they get scared and leave the area immediately. It’s good to know that high-quality liquid repellents don’t irritate people, so you can spray inside your home without worrying about an unpleasant scent.

4. Peanut butter

A mixture of peanut butter and Boric acid is another good DIY rat control method. To make this magic mixture, mix one cup of peanut butter and 1/2 cup of Boric acid. Then, make small, half-inch balls and place them in the infested areas in your home. These balls are highly toxic to rats once they taste them.

5. High frequency sound devices

High frequency sound devices are also proven as very effective against rats. These sound devices use batteries to emit a high frequency sound which is very unpleasant for rats. When rats hear this sound, they cannot stand it, so they run away. People can’t hear this high frequency sound, so it won’t bother your family.

When you can’t do it yourself

If you want to get rid of rats, don’t hesitate to try some of these DIY rat removal methods. However, you need to remember that rodent control, and especially rat control, is not easy. You have to address the root of the rat issue – that is to stop rats from getting on your property and inside your home. Keep your home, garage and basement clean and get rid of the garbage on a daily basis.

However, if you have a huge rodent infestation issue in your house, it is recommended to contact rodent control experts as soon as possible. Our professional team is not only trained to solve your current rat issue, but to also prevent future rat infestations.
